G10 - onstage

Project Description

On-Stage, an Augmented Reality Product which would help the street performers create a concert-like environment for their viewers. The product would enhance the stage by using visual effects and offer intractable props and collaborative multi-user experience among the audience.

3 Phases of Development


1. Rudimentary scene complete
2. Incorporate pre-defined objects in Unity and allow them to orbit in a predefined way
3. Props correctly perceived from by different user’s perspective


1. Improved aesthetics of the props
2. Options of multiple props and stage effects
3. Users can change the orbit of a prop by clicking the prop on their screens


1. Chat Room feature
2. Balloon feature which will enable users to play with it like in concerts
3. Multi-role feature. For example, the artist can view/record all connected audience devices as glow sticks
4. Multi user

Product features

human occlusion

1. The application detects the human
2. Performs occlusion of the stage and props properly

stage effects

1. Backdrop screen has effects
2. Floor effects activate to have dancing cubes
3. Musical notes emerging out of the speakers
4. All the effects visualize dynamically according to the music


1. Rotates around the user
2. Changes direction on clicking
3. Multiple props can be activated at a time




  • Rudimentary scene complete
  • Stage is getting placed
  • Props are getting placed and the user is being able to interact with the props
  • Performer and the props are getting occluded properly
  • Next step: Improve aesthetics of the scene and integrate multiple props and multiple users feature

Final Product:

  • Live music visualization
  • Better looking graphics and stage effects
  • Correct stage location and occlusion
  • Multiple, better props that are interactive
  • Enhanced user interface for prop interaction and stage effects
  • Next step: Multi-user

Team Members

Fei Gao

CS '20

Shruti Patel

CS '20

Yuxin Zhang

ECE '20