G01: Let's Gogh

Project Description

The purpose of this virtual reality project is to allow users to interact with art in a novel way, engaging casual art enthusiasts as well as fostering a new curiosity for classic artworks. This experience guides users through a museum and to step into the paintings’ worlds, walking through the landscape or scene and learning about certain highlighted features.

Final Product

Our target product includes an art gallery experience with two paintings. The user can explore a small lobby and select which painting to explore. The user can also manipulate other pieces within the scenes including rotating, scaling, and grabbing. The two works on display are Campbell's Soup Cans and The Persistence of Memory.


Main Lobby

This scene allows the user to look at a variety of art pieces including paintings, sculptures, and artifacts. There are instructions to guide the user to interact with difference objects in the room. The sculptures can be rotated and scaled using sliders. The paintings can be entered, and the artifact can be grabbed and thrown.

Campbell's Soup Cans

In this scene, the user has entered the world of Campbell's soup! The cans on the shelf can be picked up and thrown. The hinged lids can be flipped, and certain highlighted cans' lids have hidden fun facts about the piece, time period, and artist. There is also a table with an open can that has soup. When the user tilts the can and aims towards the bowl, soup pours out and fills the bowl. If the user misses, it spills! Once the pouring is complete, the user can interact with the soup using the spoon.


The persistence of memory

Upon entering this scene, the user's view is that of the original painting. There are facts hidden throughout the scene including in the terrain, clocks, and other objects. Most objects have gravity turned off so that when the user throws them, they will float off into space to match the surrealist, dream-like theme of the piece. The orange clock, when grabbed, can summon ants, and when the left trigger is pulled, can instantiate even larger ants. This scene allows the user to traverse a vaster terrain compared to the previous two.



The user can enter the paintings from the main lobby. When in a painting world, the user can summon the menu to return to the main lobby by pressing B.


Hand Texturing

One of the stretch goals that we mostly achieved was changing the texture of the user's hands according to the art style. The locomotion while using these hands is functional, but a little buggy.

Full WalkThrough


Future Improvements

There are many additions we'd love to add to our project! Aside from the possibility of adding more works of art from different styles, we'd like to add dynamic landscapes and more interactivity, such as the ability to paint your own strokes in the world.

Our Team

Christine Ku

ECE '20

Amanda Trang

CS '20

Wenting Xie

CS '20