Northern Health School

About this service

Northern Health School is one of three New Zealand health schools providing community and hospital based teaching to school aged students who are too unwell to attend their regular school.

Northern Health School is a Ministry of Education funded school set up with the aim of maintaining the education of students who are unable to attend their regular school due to their high health needs.

We have two tasks

Why would I use this Service?

Admission Criteria

10 days or more off school with hospitalisation, or

40 days absence due to a chronic illness as predicted by a specialist, or

Involvement in a mental health treatment programme

How would you use this service

Northern Health School is not an alternative to enrolment in a regular school and should not be considered as a pathway to Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (The Correspondence School).


Call free on 0800 153 002

For student enrolments and medicals please email:

For other enquiries email:

A Learning Support Coordinator or SENCO can help guide you through the process.