Resource Teacher, Literacy (RTLit)

Resource Teacher, Literacy (RTLit)

About this Service

Resource Teachers of Literacy (RTLit) provide specialised literacy assistance to learners in years 1 to 8 who are experiencing difficulties with literacy learning.

RTLit provide English reading literacy, written literacy, and oral language support to teachers of identified students or the targeted students.

Currently there is one Resource Teacher, Literacy allocated to cover the Taihape, Waimarino and Ruapehu Region.  There are 109 Resource Teachers, Literacy employed to work across Aotearoa, New Zealand. 

Students that have the highest literacy needs on the waiting list can be allocated to an RTLit. 

Students referred to the RTLit service should be those with the highest literacy needs in the school. However, selection for instruction by RTLit should prioritise those with the highest literacy needs in the Kāhui Ako.

Why would I use this Service?

Your child can access an RTLit if they are experiencing a high level of difficulty in reading and/or writing. 


An application to an RTLit can be made through your schools SENCo or Learning Support Coordinator.