Courtney Huttunen's Dietetic Portfolio


Welcome to my portfolio! My name is Courtney Huttunen and I recently graduated from Concordia College with a bachelor of arts degrees in Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics, and Biology.

Everyone has to eat. Not only is food necessary for sustenance and growth, but food is also a part of traditions and the lives of the world. Holidays or get-togethers are spent gathered around the table enjoying conversation and good food. For some people, food is only a passing thought, but for others, it can be a cardinal part of their life. Growing up, I have witnessed friends and family struggle with their relationship with food. This has helped to shape my passion, and encourage me to be able to help those who may be struggling with their health or finding balance in their lives through the foods that they eat. I am thankful for my experiences and education in dietetics because it has made me view nutrition and food in a whole new light.

Thank you for visiting my undergraduate dietetics portfolio! I invite you to browse my portfolio to learn more about me and my experiences throughout my college career. If you have additional questions about anything, please feel free to send me an email at