
Assignment: Play the D Major Scale (ascending & descending) using the "Conestoga Valley" rhythm.

D Major Scale: Violin & Viola

Start on open D and add fingers until you get to 3 on D, then go to the A string and add fingers until you get to 3 on A. Then, take fingers away until you end back on open D.

D Major Scale: Cello

Start on open D and add fingers until you get to 4 on D, then go to the A string and add fingers until you get to 4 on A. Then, take fingers away until you end back on open D.

D Major Scale: Bass

Start on open D and add fingers until you get to 4 on D, then go to the G string and add fingers until you get to 4 on G. Then, shift to III Position and play 2nd finger and 4th finger in III Position. Then, take fingers away until you end back on open D.