Ledicia Costas


Last September, we had the honor of being visited by the author Ledicia Costas. She talked about her novel Verne y la vida secreta de las mujeres planta. This work will be included on the platform that we are developing together with our collaborators of the Erasmus project to contribute to raise awareness about our Galician authors.

Ledicia Costas is one of the most recognized and translated authors of Galician literature and her books are constantly republished. Her first published novel was Unha estrela no vento, a book she wrote when she was a teenager.

In recent years she has received important recognitions. With the adventure novel Verne y la vida secreta de las mujeres planta, she won the Lazarillo Prize for literary creation in 2015. In 2019, she published Infamia, a novel that has a great reception among the adult public and not only: it was the most read book in the Galician ESO reading clubs in the 2019-2020 academic year. In 2020, she received the Galician Culture Award for Literary Creation, being the youngest person since the foundation of the award to achieve this recognition. At the end of 2021, she won the Merlin Prize for the second time, this time for his children's novel El Niño de Fuego. In 2022, she wins the 20th edition of the Afundación Poetry Prize with the collection of poems Ultraluz.