About our project

DESIBOOK- A digital bridge of books for inclusion and environment

A group of teachers from the school is collaborating on an Erasmus + Project at European level. Coordinated by the Italian university Pegaso Online University, the rest of participants are from Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey and Italy. 

The Erasmus + project is a program of the European Union for education, training, youth and sport. The project in which the Bouza Brey school is participating deals with literature and the world of books.

The project coordinator will create one platform where students and teachers from partner schools can exchange information about the books of their respective countries by writing bibliographic sheets of authors, book synopses, reviews and the creation of stories through the "Creative Writing Relay" format. 

Ours collaborators will be aware of Galician literature, specially of those books and authors related to the city from Vigo. The purpose of this project is to release our city and its environment to other places and countries.

Therefore, the aim of BOOKMED - A Bridge of books in the Mediterranean is to spread the knowledge of contemporary or classic authors known in their countries but unknown in the rest of Europe. The program will last three years and the mobility of students and teachers will be carried out on different dates with a literary mini-cruise that will leave Civitavecchia and arrive in Barcelona. This festival will deal with different literature workshops as literary meetings, writing workshops, photography, theatrical performances, games... These meetings will take place the twenty third of April which is the World Book Day.

In 2023, two teachers and some students from each associated center will participate and in the 2024 and 2025 editions. At the same time, five transnational meetings and two dissemination events will be held in all the collaborating countries. Our school has hold the group's first face-to-face meeting the second and the third of February.