Boat trip

Boat trip along the Vigo estuary

The 3rd and 4th ESO students participating in the Erasmus+ "Desibook" project carried out this activity aboard the Nautilus, a very special ship that departs near the monument to Jules Verne.

In a playful way and with a wonderful day, they collected information about the French writer Jules Verne and his relationship with our estuary.

The images and videos they recorded are important for the location of one of the books they work with on the AGORA OF BOOKS PLATFORM Jules Verne e o secreto das mulleres planta by the Vigo author Ledicia Costas.

In Punta Arroás, they activated the side-scan sonar to locate sunken ships more than 13 meters deep. On this occasion, with Nemo's dive they contemplated and interpreted the remains that rest at the bottom of the sea.

After this experience in underwater archeology, the time came to learn about the Battle of Rande in 1702, which sparked multiple expeditions in search of the treasures lost in the battle and which inspired Jules Verne himself to write his novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.”

After some free time sailing among the punts, we returned to the Real Club Náutico de Vigo.