About us

Our school

Our values: Inclusion, respect and tolerance.

Our pillars

Developed in a family environment, the coordinated and personalized work aims to encourage reflective and critical thinking based on experiences and knowledge.

What to know

Bouza Brey is a multilingual and semi-private school located in Vigo, Galicia. It is a cooperative society formed by 16 members that began in September 1999. The school has around 300 students and 30 teachers.

Educational Stages

The school has a unique educational line that starts at the age of 3 in Preschool Education and reaches the age of 16 in the 4th ESO.


3-6 years old

 School adaptation period in 3 years.

 Family atmosphere.

 Game room.

 Outside playground.

•  Digital board.

Elementary school

3-6 years old

Digital Classrooms.

English conversation assistant.

Spanish sign language, French, theater, body expression...

Thematic weeks and days: Sciences, Books, Galician Literature Day, Sports...

Secondary school

12-16 years old

Digital Classrooms.

Guidance Department and Psychopedagogical Office.

English conversation assistant.

  Educational and cultural outings.

Celebration of Cultural Weeks: Sciences, Books, Galician Literature Day, Sports...

End of 3rd and 4th ESO studies trip.

Our departments

Orientation department

It supports the work of the center and all the teaching staff in all those actions aimed at ensuring comprehensive training.

Facilitates the adaptation of the teaching-learning process to the characteristics and needs of students.

Pshycho-pedagogical office

Coordination of support teachers, PT and AL.

Inter-coordination between the professionals involved in the cabinet's area of action (psychologist, pedagogue, special education teacher (PT), hearing and language specialist (AL), support teachers)

Detection and diagnosis of educational needs.

Special Education

The classroom is aimed at students who have significant educational needs on a temporary or permanent basis and who, depending on the specific problem, need highly individualized teaching adapted to their needs.

The work carried out in the special education classroom is aimed at achieving the greatest possible development without neglecting integration in their reference group.

