Exam Stress

Feeling increased pressure as we approach the exam season is bound to happen and is a normal and important part of the process. 

Stress is a natural feeling, designed to help you cope in challenging situations. In small amounts it can be good, because it pushes you to work hard and do your best, such as during exams.

Most young people can cope with this pressure as long as the adults around them remain calm and supportive and model healthy behaviours and habits to them.

Here are some useful tips and advice to help you through.

Taking care of our most basic physical needs, like diet and exercise and sleep are even more important when we need to cope with extra pressure. 

The Eatwell guide provides straightforward advice on healthy eating that can increase energy levels and improve concentration.

Sleep is also something we can improve by having a regular routine and aiming to get between 6-9 hours of sleep every night.  Follow this link to get more advice. 

The Charity Young Minds has good advice for parents and carers and young people on how to deal with the stress as exams approach. 

You can also use these study and revision guides