General Support


Parents and carers can self refer for support with parenting.

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme

The Parenting Team service

Are you struggling to manage your child’s behaviour?

Are you worried about your child?

Would you find it beneficial to meet with other parents who are feeling the same way and to look at some ideas which may help your family make changes?

We offer a wide range of courses and workshops (during the day and evening) with the aim of supporting you to make positive changes within your family in a safe and friendly environment.

Triple P Workshops

2 hour (virtual) session held in Brighton & Hove

These are a range of one-off sessions for parents/carers that you can easily access by following this link and booking your place;

Triple P Parenting Skills Course

These run for 8 weeks for 2 hours per week (some are evenings and some daytime) these are currently run as virtual group sessions via Zoom. Please ask about planned face to face groups.

  • These groups are for parents who have a range of issues they are concerned about in regards to their child.

  • We run course each term for 3 age ranges: Under 9’s, ‘Tween’ (9 – 12) and Teen (12+)

  • We will be looking at a practical toolkit of ideas to try out at home

Separated Parents Course

These run for 6 weeks for 2 hours per week (some are evenings and some daytime) these are currently run as virtual group sessions via Zoom.

Recent research has shown that parenting strategies are more effective when parents have worked to address the conflict in their relationship first.

  • We focus on improving communication, managing strong emotions and learning coping skills.

  • When completed, parents have the option to flow straight into Parenting Skills course.

To access these courses please talk to your Social worker (if you have one) or to the schools pastoral team who will contact us on your behalf

Safety Net

Our focus is on a whole family approach and on preventing problems from escalating by building on family strengths and strategies to deal with challenges and difficulties. We can work one to one with families or offer drop-ins and group work. This service is available to families with a child or children at participating schools in Brighton and Hove.

Support for parents and carers

Parenting workshops

Triple P training

Online safety for parents

Parental Advisory Group

Child Safety Newsletter

We also run a Home safety Equipment Scheme for eligible families with children under the age of 5 in Brighton and Hove.

Supporting your child managing their digital life