Senior Meetings

Schedule your Senior Meeting

Senior Meetings will be held during the month of September.  You must sign up to meet with your assigned school counselor by clicking the appropriate button at the bottom of this page.  

Each senior is REQUIRED to meet with their assigned counselor so she knows what your post-secondary plan is and can support you, accordingly. 

Step 1:  Select your assigned School Counselor to book your appointment.

Step 2:  Show up for your appointment at the designated time.

Step 3:  The following should be completed prior to meeting with your counselor:

Health Sciences:  @9healthsc

Military and Global Leadership:  @9safety

Your Hawthorne School Counselor looks forward to meeting with you to discuss your status for graduation and your postsecondary plans.

Schedule your Senior Meeting by clicking the appropriate button below.

Last Names A through Map

Last Names Mar through Z