Student Services Department 

Welcome to Hawthorne Academy's 

Student Services Website! 

1411 Hawthorne lane Charlotte, NC 28205

Phone: 980-343-6011 | Fax: 980-343-5609

Courier #386 (HSA) #364 (MGLA)


Order Your Cap and Gown

It's time to order your cap, gown, and tassel.  All three pieces come together as a unitl.  The current cost is $65 plus tax.  To order your unit go to and follow the instructions below.  The instructions can also be found on your Senior Quick Links Reference Sheet.  

 7.  Scroll down towards the bottom of the page.  Look for the Grad Essentials section. 

 8.  Under the Grad Essentials section,  click on Cap, Gown & Tassel Unit, and follow the prompts.  

ONE Access:  Tutoring

Did you know that CMS students have access to an amazing digital resource called through their ONE Access accounts with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library?  Students have access to up to 10 hours of free online tutoring per week during the 4:00 pm - 11:59 pm window.  Both English and Spanish tutors are available to assist students in a variety of subjects, which includes math, science, English, social studies and essay review.

Students access through the CM Library ONE Access landing page:  Students will select their level, scroll down to locate, click the blue Access Now button, and login with their CMS student ID# and birth month and day (MM/DD) as their password.

For more information about, watch this brief tutorial video.

School Counseling Monthly Calendar

Hawthorne SC Annual Calendar (24-25).docx