CP Service

Across the two years of the program, students in the Career-related Program (CP) are asked to complete a variety of activities that are described as Service Learning (SL). Tasks completed as a part of SL should be focused on developing the student in one of four areas: knowledge development, personal development, social development, or civic development.

SL activities CAN (but are not required to) relate to learning in any of the student's courses, IB, career, or other.  The SL activities can build upon service that students completed as a part of MYP. Students can complete direct service (working directly with those that benefit from the action), indirect service (students do not see the recipients of the service), advocacy (speaking on behalf of an issue of public interest), or research.

The category of research leads into the REQUIRED job investigation tasks.  As a part of the CP, students are required to complete job shadowing, internships, or interviews of professionals in their career field. 

With all SL activities, students should be striving to achieve one of the five learning outcomes listed below, though it is not always possible.  In the end, each learning outcome should be achieved and documented at least once in the duration of the program. ManageBac reflections should indicate the learning outcome(s) achieved and the way that the outcome(s) was met.

As a part of their SL experiences, students will complete a SL project.  

This project will be started and explained in greater detail through the Personal and Professional Skills classes, but is a part of the students' required service activities. The SL project should be a collaborative activity (working with other CP students or members of the community, and should be a project/activity that the student(s) lead. In the course of the activity, they will keep a more detailed portfolio that documents the process that they undertake in planning and implementing the project. 

For many students, this SL project comes in several simple parts. This can include internships, job shadowing, and interviews of professionals in their career field.  There is no specific total number of hours required for these activities, but students should complete at least two job-shadowing/internship activities or at least four interviews.  Suggestions for interviews are at the bottom of this page.

The SL Project, internships, job shadowing activities, and interviews are all documented in ManageBac.  Please make sure to include the word INTERNSHIP (or whatever is appropriate for the task) so that it is easily identified.  Also, there is a button in ManageBac that can be selected to identify the entry as a part of the SL project activities (it says "SL PROJECT") please select that as well.  

Across the span of the two years of the CP, students' service must meet a few requirements. 

Some hints, tips, and questions for Professional Interviews

CP Interview info