Military and Family Life Counseling

Kenwood MFLC Counselor 2023-2024:  Kizzie Banks

Contact Information: 931-905-7900


MFLC services are available for any Kenwood High student with an active duty or newly retired parent, step-parent, or guardian of any military branch.  All MFLC staff are licensed professionals who serve in the role of providing non-medical, solution-focused counseling and support to service members and their immediate families.  MFLC staff can provide support, resources, and referrals on a vast array of topics including, but not limited, to aspects directly related to military life.  


Students at the high school level may use MFLC support in areas that include: deployment-related stress, improving parent-child relationships, managing school stress, improving academic skills, managing social relationships/building social skills, grief/loss-related issues, and many others.    


MFLC services are always free and completely confidential with no notes or written records generated by MFLC staff.  However, MFLC services are not designed for students already receiving or needing to receive clinical services. Please note that Parental Consent is required for all students under the age of 18 to meet with MFLC staff.

Please click here Military Family Resources to see links to helpful information for students and their families.  Our goal is to make our military families feel welcomed and to assist with their needs whether their stay is permanent or in transition.

Graduating Seniors who are noted in PowerSchool as being "military dependent" students are awarded the Purple Honor Cord at Graduation to reflect their commitment and service to our country.

 Word to the Nation: Guard zealously your right to serve in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no other rights to guard.”                                                                                                                                                                          President John F. Kennedy