
Weekly PE Module: Juggling

Watch the video below as Mr. Cope from Fredstrom Elementary leads you through several activities to get your body moving.

Additional information about the activities, including materials needed, can be found below.

Warm Up (5-10 minutes)

Perform the series of exercises once if kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade, twice if your 3rd-5th grade.

See the video to the above to see this activity modeled.

10 jumping-jacks

10 squats

Front plank for 30 sec.

Plank each side 30 sec.

Jog in place for 1 min.

Skill Focus: Juggling

Materials needed

  • Scarves, socks, or balls

  • Objects that float or have more hang time are easier to catch

One Object

  • Using 1 object, toss it in the air and catch it with your other hand. Repeat back to the other hand.

  • Toss the object back and forth from one hand to the other.

Two Objects

  • Say, "toss, toss, catch, catch".

Three Objects

  • Keep your eyes looking straight ahead so you can see your hands and the balls.

  • If you need help, watch the animation to the left.

Mindful Minute

Cool down from your work out by stretching with Mr. Cope in the video found above.

Bonus Activities

Pick from 3 or more of the activities below for more ways to be safely active this week!

Your goal should be to get 60 minutes a day of exercise safely under the social distancing directives.


Koo Koo Kangaroo

Select a dance video below and follow the directions to learn some new dance moves from Koo Koo Kangaroo.

Family Engagement

Family Fitness Games

Try out these fitness games that can be done inside with members of your family.
Watch as Mr. Lambert from Elliott Elementary, shows how to play the game, The Good Ship Spark.
Ship Spark.mp4


Indoor Workouts

Watch the video below as Mrs. Gaylord, the PE teacher from Saratoga Elementary, and her son, Husker Football player, Christian Gaylord, as they lead you through a workout.
Looking for another indoor workout, check out the 15 Minute Station Workout linked below.


Basketball Skills

Grab a ball, and practice your dribbling skills by following with Ms. Nutt, the PE teacher from Randolph Elementary in the video below.
Are you stuck inside and can't play basketball? Try shooting some socks in a laundry basket with these shooting challenges from Mr. Keitges, the PE teacher from West Lincoln Elementary.

Mindfulness and Relaxation

Maximo from GoNoodle

Select a video below and follow along as Maximo leads you through some stretches.

Movement Patterns

Squatting Exercises

Strengthens the muscles in the core hip, back & abdominal musculature, rear deltoid, gluteal muscles & leg muscles ensuring we can safely/effectively execute squatting movements in our daily lives.
Watch the video below to learn how to do a split squat, also known as a standing lunge.
Click on the button below to learn how to do a power squat and a standing lunge.

Adaptive PE

Adaptive Physical Education (APE) is an adapted, or modified, physical education program designed to meet the individualized gross motor needs, or other disability-related challenges, of an identified student.

Fit 5 Activities: Endurance

Fit 5 resources are designed by The Special Olympics to be utilized with flexibility, giving Programs the opportunity to integrate and implement the resources in a way that aligns with their current goals and objectives.

This week we are going to focus on endurance. There are five levels for endurance, focus on the level that is where you are at for your current goals and objectives.

Fitness fact: The latest research says that American eat 20% more calories now than they did in 1983.

While at home, during this time, drink more water and eat only at meal times.