
Weekly PE Module: Catching

Watch the video below as Ms. Sylvester from Kooser Elementary leads you through several activities on throwing and catching.

Additional information about the activities, including materials needed, can be found below.

Warm Up

Playing Card Fitness

Materials needed

  • Deck of playing cards


  • Draw 10 cards from a deck of cards

  • Perform the exercise that goes with each card that you drew.

  • Use the key to the left to guide you on which exercises to do with each card. The video, above also provides this key.

Skill Focus: Catching

Materials needed

  • An object to throw and catch. This could be a ball or a pair of rolled up socks.


  • When catching, track the object to catch with your eyes.

  • Move your body into position.

  • Reach out away from your body with two hands to grab the object and squeeze it.


  • Throw your object up in the air to yourself and catch it.

  • Challenge yourself by throwing it higher and by throwing and catching with one hand.

  • Fore a bonus challenge, throw the object up and see how many times you can clap your hands before catching the object.

  • Try throwing and catching different objects that are different sizes.

  • This activity can also be done sitting down or on your knees.

Skill Activity: Hot Potato

Materials needed

  • An object to throw and catch. This could be a ball or a pair of rolled up socks.

  • Music


  • Play a song.

    • Someone can be in charge of starting and stopping the music.

    • You can also use this video linked below, which will play music and stop the music for you so everyone can play.

  • Throw the object back and forth with everyone who is playing.

  • When the song ends whoever has the item when the music stops has to perform an exercise.

    • Run, skip, walk, etc. two laps around the yard.

    • Or you could use the playing card fitness activity from above where whoever catches it draw a card and performs that exercise.

Cool Down: Squats

Cool down from the activities by performing some squats.

Remember to follow these directions to build good squat technique.

Bonus Activities

Pick from 3 or more of the activities below for more ways to be safely active this week!

Your goal should be to get 60 minutes a day of exercise safely under the social distancing directives.


GoNoodle - NTV

Select a dance video below from a variety of throwback hits and follow the directions to learn some new dance moves.

Bonus Dance Video!

Follow along as Ms. Nutt from Randolph Elementary leads you through the Swim Song.

Family Engagement

Explore the Outdoors

Family Bike Ride

Take a family bike ride on the great network of city trails we have.

Day Hike at a Local or State Park

Hiking is a great family activity for fresh air & exercise that is social distancing friendly.

  • Platte River State Park

  • Wilderness park

  • Holmes lake park

  • Pioneers park

  • Tierra park

  • Mahoney park & Mahoney state park & more!

Explore Your Neighborhood

Go on a walk together! Look for these four things; odd number streets, even number streets, street that starts with the same letter as your first name, and basketball hoops.

Garbage Bag Kite

Make your own kite using a plastic garbage bag, string, two sticks, scissors and ribbon.


Indoor Workouts

Watch the video below with Mr. Keitges from West Lincoln Elementary as he leads you through the climb workout.
Looking for some more fun activities? How about doing your own Quarantine Olympics like Mr. Perez from Prescott Elementary School! Watch the video below as he leads you through his own Olympics at home.


Juggling with Scarves

Practice some more of your juggling skills by using scarves in the video linked below with Mr. Baum from Humann Elementary.

Mindfulness and Relaxation

Think About It

Follow along with the Think About It videos from GoNoodle as they lead you through different mindfulness activities.

Movement Patterns

Pulling and Hinging Exercises

Pulling exercises strengthen the muscles in the upper back of your body ensuring balance between the front/back of the upper body ensuring we can safely/effectively execute pulling movements in our daily lives.

Need some creative ideas on how to do pulling exercises at home? Check out Mrs. Orr, from Eastridge Elementary.

Lay under a chair and grab onto the seat of the chair and pull yourself up.

Find a strong tree to practice your pulling exercises.

Hinging exercises strengthen the muscles in the back of your body, including the large muscles in the hip, back, the glutes, and hamstrings ensuring we can safely/effectively execute hinging movements in our daily lives.

Adaptive PE

Adaptive Physical Education (APE) is an adapted, or modified, physical education program designed to meet the individualized gross motor needs, or other disability-related challenges, of an identified student.

Fit 5 Activities: Strength

Fit 5 resources are designed by The Special Olympics to be utilized with flexibility, giving Programs the opportunity to integrate and implement the resources in a way that aligns with their current goals and objectives.

This week we are going to focus on strength. There are five levels for strength, focus on the level that is where you are at for your current goals and objectives.