Class Games

Exciting Games of Room 104

Silent Ball


Around the World

Zen Counting




Rubik's Cube

Birthday Game

Heads-Up Seven-Up


LEGO Challenges

Hi! My name is Eva, and my name is Gabby! And we want to tell you about, Class Games!!!! All of the games are listed above, because it would take way too long to say all of those! So Gabby will do Ten, Set, Around the World, Birthday Game, Checkers, and Silent Ball. And Eva will be doing, Zen Counting, Chess, Rubik's Cubes, Heads up Seven up, and Lego Challenges. And we will both be doing, Tomfoolery.


By, us!

Okie Dokie! Shall we start with the most amazing game of all, TOMFOOLERY! So basicly what it is, is you flap your little wings (your arms/hands, arms would look weird,) and you circle around Mr. P! But before you do this with your tomfoolery team (four people, In each team) you must yell, “TOMFOOLERY!” and then go around in a circle. If he says no then you must say a stubby no back and continue with your wonderful deed! Unless he says no three times. That is like a magical spell to stop. :(


By, Gabby

HALLO!!! So next is an awesome game. No but really if you don't know how to play, here are the rules to play! 1. It's very obvious but you have to stay SILENT no talking. IT'S IN THE NAME!!! 2. You can't pass back to anybody at your table and no pass back until final four. 3. If someone throws it to you and you both didn't make eye contact then the person who threw it would be out. 4. If they throw it to you, and you DID make eye contact then if you didn't catch you would be out. 5. If someone threw the ball and it was a bad throw they would be out, unless you went for the catch you would be out. 6. You can’t chuck the ball around the room, just throw it not chucking the ball. OK so those are the rules for silent ball... Now if it seems boring, try it out! I promise you it's a lot of fun! :D


By, Eva

HOLA! Do you know what zen counting is? It is a game of fun and peace! Zen means meditation, and counting means, counting… anyhoo! Here are the rules, number one, you sit on the tables and close your eyes, then you wait for people to count, you count till two people say the same number at the same time. Then sadly you have to stop and make a new round. Number two, never ever ever ever even think about saying more than one number in a row, it is rude and it really just is not fair. the thunder. Peeps, don’t be that person.


By, Gabby

Hallå! Thats is the Swedish hello! This time i’m going to be talking about one of the best class games ever! Its called 10. So let's go on to the first rule! FIRST RULE, your in a big circle around the class and the person who says 10, is out. You keep doing it till someone wins! SECOND RULE Ok say you are first, you can say ONE, TWO or you can just say ONE But if you say ONE the next person says TWO or TWO THREE. So you can only say up to 2 numbers. That’s it for that game


By, Eva

Nyob zoo!!!!! That is hello in Hmong. Just so you don’t think that I am crazy. I am here to talk to you about chess, first of all let me list all of the ways that we have to play it. 1. Our handy dandy computers!!!!! I would suggest using the website , the reason why I would use that one is because that is the one that most of our classmates here, use. So yeah. 2. Lego chess! This also is a thing that our amazing classroom has made. And it is a chess set made out of legos. Now, the thing is about this one. You have to know the rules or else you can’t really play and if you can’t do that then it start a fight, and then you get yelled at, and then you know. Principles office for you. 3. Normal chess. Notice how that had no exclamation mark. Yeah it’s sad. Real sad.


By, Gabby

Hej! That means hello!! Now let’s get straight to how to play this game. So around the “ world ” is a math game where you go around the class , and it 1 vs 1 and who ever wins that math problem goes to the next person, and how you win the game is if you get back to your seat in one whole round. Now if you said it at the same time, it's a tie so you do another one. That's the aim of the game and how you play! On to the next thing!


By, Eva

HELLO! I decided that I would just say a normal hello this time. Ok? I am here to talk about, RUBIK'S CUBES! And I want to say that these are pretty entertaining. But do not be like some of our students and bring in your own cool thing that is one that creates a picture or one that is a 2 by 2. Let me tell you, MR. PHILLIPS DOES NOT LIKE IT! All of the students that have brought in their own it gets taken away or it just gets confiscated. Well not exactly, but still it gets taken away and then you try to get it back and it never works. HE MIGHT GIVE IT TO YOUR PARENTS IF IT BECOMES AN ISSUE! Just keep that as a tip.


By, Gabby

Heyo! That's my way to say hi . This time i’m going to be talking about another math game called set! Its really fun. So as you see this picture, you have to find matches , So to make matches they have to be colors (red green purple) shape (oval diamond squiggle) numbers ( one two three ) and shading ( solid striped outlined ) then you make a match and there are six matches in each game. In our class you try to beat previous classes!


By, Eva



By, Gabby

MUHAHAHAHA! This is a game called checkers! So if you don't know how to play checkers, I will tell you how! So each player starts off with 12 pieces placed in three rows closest to your side of the board for you and other way around for your opponent. You can only move checkers forward until you get a king. So then you can move backward. Then you want to jump people to win. When your opponent has no more checkers, you win!


By, Eva

I am here to teach you about a LEGO challenge where sometimes you only get one bowl of LEGO bricks, and other times, you get two! This is a challenge where Mr. P gives you a bowl of LEGO bricks and theme and you have to use your creative mind to make a masterpiece of your dreams!


By, Gabby

Hi So the b-day games are where the whole class can't talk and you have to get in order from your birthday with the year from January from December!

Hey we are back! Those are a list of games everyone does in the class. And some of these could be played with you and your friends! But it's more fun with everyone! Goodbye for now I’m Eva and I'm Gabby and were out!