At the 2023 Sustainability Day and Green Living Fair there will be two keynote addresses

Information on the keynote addresses can be found below

Talking Rivers' Listening to Water Symposium 

Waters Have No Borders: Working Together for the Great River and the Great Lakes

Friday October 27th 


Virtual (click here to register)

Panelists from across the Great Lakes Bioregion will discuss how to unite across borders and advocate for the Rights of the connecting Waters that bring life to all. Coming from different fields of expertise, including environmental management, freshwater science, and Indigenous Methodologies, the speakers will address the intricacies of the geopolitical interests that partition the Great Lakes. Together they will grapple with the settler colonial constructs that treat this Bioregion as a mere resource, and will contemplate the implications of granting legal enforceable rights to the Great Lakes' ecosystems.

Sustainability Day Keynote Address 

Saturday October 28th 


Student Center Forum, Clarkson University 

Dr. Curt Stager, an esteemed Paul Smith’s College Professor of Natural Sciences, is an author, radio co-host, and a science journalist focusing on ecology, paleoclimatology. His diverse background and communication skills have enabled him to contribute immensely to the long-term sustainability of the Adirondacks. 

He will speak about how climate change is affecting plants, animals, and people in the Adirondacks and what to expect in the future.