Prayers for 2021 Fall De Anza College

First of all, let us all PRAY! We need the prayer of the church to bind the strong man and the aerial evil forces, and to release the word into the released sons of peace!

  • Please pray for "the whole church to support the campus work, especially with prayer" ( Day 434; full content all the way below) with one accord, one heart, one soul, and one mind, a strong "aerial support" behind all the labor esp. during this crucial season of "fishing" on the campus.

  • We may liken the special circumstances this year as "ice fishing" - the holes are small (restricted, and not many can be around the same hole), but the fish are hungry! Please pray for the Lord to thrust out many saints going in 2's or 3's, cutting many "holes" and plucking out many fish.

  • Please pray for the sent ones (Eph.6:19) going with His blessing, His utterance, and wisdom, "prudent as serpents and guileless as doves" (Matt.10:16).

  • Please pray for the chosen sons of peace, for the Holy Spirit's brooding in their hearts and His leading in the environment for them to be connected with the saints.