Science in Year 6

By the end of Year 6, the children will have the skills, knowledge and tools to enable them to be passionate, analystical and successful scientists as they prepare for learning Science at secondary school. They will learn and explore animals including humans, living things and their habitats, evolution and inheritance and electricity. Below there is more detail about what will be learnt by the end of each topic and useful links to support your child to retain what they have learnt at home.

Y6 Science Knowledge Organiser Y6 Living things and their habitats.docx.pdf

Year 6 - Autumn 1

Living Things and their Habitats

Y6 Science Knowledge Organiser light.docx.pdf

Year 6 - Autumn 2


Y6 Science Knowledge Organiser Evolution.docx.pdf

Year 6 - Spring 1

Evolution and Inheritance

Y6 Science Knowledge Organiser Animals including humans.docx.pdf

Year 6 - Spring 2

Animals including Humans

Y6 Science Knowledge Organiser Electricity.docx.pdf

Year 6 - Summer 1

Animals including humans (part 2)

Y6 Science Knowledge Organiser Electricity.docx.pdf

Year 6 - Summer 2


Useful links

Did you know? Every day on Radio 4, children can learn about a different bird by listening to Tweet of the Day? It is an extremely interesting one minute chunk of information read by an actor or environmentalist about a bird that lives in the UK. You can listen and subscribe to Tweet of the Day at BBC Sounds:

Examples of Science in Year 6

The children have lots of opportunities to experiment using their Working Scientifically Skills and present their data using skills they have learnt in maths.