Science at Churchfield

The Science curriculum at Churchfield is underpinned by our SPRING approach, which is designed to create life-long learners who care about their world. It is a springboard to ignite a passion and a love for Science right from the very beginning. From predicting to experimenting, the children will have the opportunity to develop and embed their scientific skills and knowledge over their learning journey at Churchfield. Science is all about being ambitious: ambitious in your approach and ambitious in your thinking. This is at the heart of Science at Churchfield.

Although all of the elements of our SPRING approach feed into Science, nature and the environment along with reading and vocabulary and imagination and creativity are all at the core of the Science teaching at Churchfield. With these elements, all of our children can seize the opportunity to be passionate, knowledgeable and successful scientists who have the skills and knowledge to be experts in Science!

Science at a Glance: Progression of Skills Documents

Our Science curriculum is carefully planned so that pupils can build knowledge of the key scientific concepts and the Working Scientifically skills and the relationships between them over many years. This helps the pupils to make links with what they have learnt before, help them to retain what they have learnt and support them with their future learning.

Science Overview (Progression of Knowledge and Skills 2019/20.docx

We teach pupils the concepts and procedures (above) needed to enable them to work scientifically

We plan for cross-curricular writing in Science regularly
Science Deep Dive template 2020/21 Churchfield Primary School

Above: Cross-curricular writing opportunities in Science enable pupils to use and embed scientific concepts and vocabulary they have learnt. Engaging and helpful displays showcase all of the key scientific vocabulary the pupils need to talk and write as confident and successful scientists.