the power of Water


This picture gives me the sense of power because at least for me, rivers and bodies of water hold a lot of power. When I look at a body of water the first thing I notice is the sound. But when I really look into what water is I notice the fish, plants, currents, the way rocks form around the water currents. Now you may be wondering how water holds power. When you really think of it, water has brought life to everything we know of. But on the other hand it can also end life. When a huge rain storm happens it floods roads and blocks people from going where they need to go. But also after a rainstorm the grass and other plants are very green, thick and luscious. But even too much water can kill plants. Water is also powerful in the literal sense as it can move mountains and change the way a landform looks. It can determine where animals, plants, and people live, but it can also determine where those plants, animals and people go. When humans first started settling in Egypt 5000 years ago they made their houses on the Nile River. When they wanted to explore they made boats and traveled on that same river. 3,500 years later, when people started to explore the world they all traveled by the rivers, oceans and lakes. When humans went to war we used the water to move and transport supplies. In the 1850s when the American gold rush happened people were settling and traveling along rivers, since there were no roads they couldn't really find their way easily. So, they used the rivers to take them west. Water is possibly the most important and most powerful thing in the world.

Harrison (Age 16)

Ocean Eyes

What is power? If you look up power you’ll get many definitions. Power can be many things or whatever you make it. In the book, Dear Beautiful, by Gail D. Thompson, just determines that there are 7 types of power: Legitimate Power, Coercive Power, Expert Power, Informational Power, Power of Reward, Connection Power, and Referent Power. I think the most powerful power is Connection power because I think connection is very important and balancing. If you don’t have a connection, how would you know how to feel about something? How would it give you power? That connection is why I chose this picture.

This picture is one example of things that gives me positive power. Other things that give me power is my ethnic background. My ethnic background gives me power because people of my race and/or skin color have been suppressed for so many years, we now have a voice that we can use. I am able to go to beautiful places like this with my family and have a good time and relax. I am very grateful to be able to have control of my life.

There are also things that get in my way of having positive power as well. Sometimes I get in my own way of success. I over think and doubt myself a lot, so this lowers my self-esteem. Another way is when other people reflect their past mistakes on me. This makes me feel like they have no faith in me and don’t believe I’m capable of anything. I try to learn from my mistakes so that they know that I heard them and I’m trying to do better. But sometimes they make it seem like my trying is not enough. I’ve learned that I cannot satisfy everyone’s expectations. As long as I know I’m trying, that's all that matters because I have the power within myself to do anything I put my mind to.

Aniyah (Age 16)