the power of Nature


Power comes in many different shapes and forms. It could be in a person, a pet, or even just random items from your childhood. Personally, I feel just looking up at the beautiful sky with the pearly white clouds is very relaxing and is a great way to bring positive power. The clear sky reminds me to keep a clear mind at all times. The more cluttered your mind is, the worse your mindset will be constantly. So what does power mean to you?

The thing about Power is that no matter what you have you can use it for evil or bad. The things that give me power are the people I’m around, the things I like to do, as well as what I surround myself with nature wise. The people I’m around are always positive and laughing constantly which I love because I am a very nice person once you get to know me.

A lot goes into having power. Power has to do with mental stability and emotions, as well as personality. Most power comes from your heart. But everyone is different. Personally, positive power comes from not having so much stress. Or even having a lot of stress. Some people like me believe that a lot of stress is a good thing. I work better under pressure so that's why I say that.

So the question of the day is what do you believe gets in the way of your ability to have positive power? What gets in my way is a horrible attitude and certain people in my life. I try to stay away from those people just because I know how I am with my attitude. I try to stay as quiet as I can. I can never just have a great day without someone ruining it. But I tend to just leave it all alone.

Power is a good and bad thing when put in your own hands. Don’t make bad choices when it is put in your hand. Not all power has to go to waste. Power has many ties to it and you don’t want to be tied up like a marionette doll.

Scottlyn (Age 16)

The Power of Bees

I believe a bee has power. A bee has power in nature. The bee makes honey, and the honey is made from nectar and pollen the bees receive from flowers. After collecting all the things they need they create honey. If bees were to die the world would slowly die out too. I say that because bees take pollen and nectar from flowers to live, if they die there would be no one to collect those things so the flowers can’t reproduce, so the flowers would die too. I say this is power because the world, and flowers are very dependent on these little bees. This bee and it’s power relates to me and my power because of the role it plays. In this world my role is to be successful, go to college and get a good job. If I were to not accomplish those things that would affect my future in this world and my role I play, like the bee.

Donaysja (Age 16)

Power Through Nature

Nature can give me power by allowing me to help it. I will gain my positive power by helping nature. My positive power comes from living a plant based life. Essentially that means being vegan, living a low waste life and not using so much plastic, and caring about animals and people’s lives. Things that also give me positive power would be taking care of the earth since we only have one planet to live on and people forget that we don’t have a second planet to live on. They possibly don’t care about it anyway.

It helps with my positive power when other people actually agree with me on my positive powers. When people care about important things like I do ………it helps boost what I care about: nature and animals. Things that get in the way of my positive power would be people with negative acts or voices around me. It brings down my power when people use negative power to turn my positive power down. For example, when it’s about nature, people litter and don’t live waste free lives even if they are able to. When it’s about animals, a lot of people think animals are just meat instead of living creatures. Things like these are what take my positive power away.

My photo is very simple and it doesn’t show what I'm trying to say if you don’t understand my power. My photo is of a gathering of leaves and flowers outside of the school. Some of the flowers are blooming and living beautifully, then there are some parts of the plant that are brown. Part of the plant is probably brown for a number of reasons but I am making the comparison to the earth. I am using the plant to represent the Earth because the earth isn’t what it used to be. It’s environment is not doing well at all. We are killing the earth with all our habits and our lack of caring for it. One brown spot could be global warming because that’s a huge problem. Another brown spot on the earth (just like the plant) is because of the plastic and oil in the ocean. It’s not meant to be there but, there’s not enough people with positive power for mother earth, if everyone had the positive power mind set to live a planet based and environment friendly life…… the earth might have longer to live. There’s no going back to it’s once beautiful state because of the past negative power, but we can prevent or try to protect the earth from any future damage. We just need to use our positive power to help out.

Aniya (Age 16)

Power of Trees

How does Power apply to me? What things do I do/ use that give me power? There are a lot of things that give me power positively and negatively. For example, one thing that I think gives me positive power are trees. Trees make the environment beautiful and they are part of nature. They make nature look nice, they are beautiful and are good for nature all around. Trees have power because they help nature, like for example, trees can be an animal's home, especially for insects. They can produce things that are helpful for the environment like sap which is food from the tree for insects.

Things that can help you have positive power are being confident, being outgoing or just overall doing things that you think would be good that can help you with gaining positive power. Something that could get in the way of your ability to have positive power could be a loss of confidence. Maybe it's a person that brings you down and makes you feel like you can’t have power at all or they may bring you down which makes you feel bad and feel like you won’t have power or that you don’t have power at all. Everyone has something different that makes them feel like they have power, where it's someone or something it could be anything, either way everyone can have power. You just have to find something that you feel can give it to you. Like trees, we both have power!

Dannel (Age 16)

The Power of a Plant

In the photo, I used a plant. I don't know what type of plant it was, but what I believe is it helps you to have positive power. Our thoughts are extremely powerful and, good or bad, they create our perspective of ourselves and the world around us. Also, the benefits of positive thinking are less stress, lower rates of anxiety and depression, strengthened immune system, better coping skills, less worry, increased inspiration and creativity, increased happiness, higher levels of energy, and increased confidence.

Do the things that bring you joy everyday. It is important to do something you enjoy because some people aren’t happy with life. It can be easy to fall into a downward spiral of negative thinking and, positive or negative, our mindset has a strong impact on our happiness, well-being and success. When we face obstacles in life, the outcome is often dependent on how we choose to react to the situation. Learning to control your thoughts, and making sure your thoughts are positive and productive, can change your life for the better. Some people simply accept that they are natural pessimists, but it does not have to be that way. Anyone can learn about the power of positive thinking and transform their thoughts to start focusing more on the positive side of life.

In my picture, you can see my plant is a pink flower, blooming off a green leaf and yellow flowers are surrounding it. They are going to grow into the pink flower soon and it represents power by growing. Also without these plants, we would have less power because we wouldn't be able to breathe. That's why I chose a plant.

Kenneth (Age 16)

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