The power of Sports

Wrestling Mentality

The way this wrestling mat gives me power is like no other, there’s just something about that mat that changes me for the better. I feel like it shows the best version of myself, the power I have on the mat feels like no other. I think the mat is what gives me power just because of the things and the people that were on that mat. Sweat, blood and tears were on that mat and I would not know where I would be without it. Brotherhoods are formed on that mat, and life lessons are taught on that mat.

Something that gives me power is my fellow wrestlers just because they give love, win or lose. They will criticize you on what you did wrong and you can form new relationships with other people you have wrestled with. Another thing is all the hard work you go through actually pays off at the end. The famous Coach Newton tells us to live with no regrets in your life. Do everything you can do but you have to at least try. Wrestling helps clear the mind. Whatever you are going through, just know you can leave it all on the mat and take out on the opponent you are going against.

The last thing that I think that gives me power is myself. I gotta believe in myself when I'm out there wrestling because nobody can help me, just me, myself and I. All they can do is yell and cheer me on. All these things are what give me power in the life I live in wrestling. It just doesn't help with physical health but it also helps with mental health. The wall of the great Coach Hoon means a lot to us. That wall gives us power everyday to push ourselves so we can try to get up on that wall and make history.

Ramone (Age 16)

Power of Football

Power could be shown by most things: big things and small things. Let’s pick one out: the football field. The football field gives me a lot of positive power when I just look at it. I know I have to do my best not just for me and my team but for my family. There are many legends and people that played football and grew up to be millionaire football players. I watch all these videos about football and I hear people talk about all the hard work they did just to make it. Most things they say I can relate to when I lace my shoes up and get ready for a game or practice.

I pray I do something special. I go to a lot of trainers just so I can get better and better even on off days. Sometimes I go to my trainer and I get some work in just so I can get better because the more talent I have, the more success in my future. Things that help keep my positive power are my positivity in myself and self confidence. I tell myself before every game, nobody is going to get me out of my game. And if they try I just beat them to it, talk trash and more things.

Positive power also comes from not giving up. I cannot give up on myself because if I do that means I just let someone else take my power away from me, and that is just pathetic in my eyes. Things that get in the way of positive power are being stuck on things. If you failed or messed up you can’t just stay stuck on it. You have to move on and do way better than what you just did. Another negative power is internal oppression and doubting yourself. If you are saying you can’t do something and just giving up, get that negative thought out of your head because you can do anything you put your mind to. Sometimes it might take a while for you to get good at it, and you might have to work day and night just to be a success, but when it happens you’ll see it was worth it.

Thomas (Age 15)

The Power of Basketball

I think that being powerful is something that helps you in the long run. I think basketball gives me power because it gives me strength to go against people that are really good at it. It takes time to get the knowledge about basketball that you need to be successful. You have to do things right so that you can get better at it. Once you get it then that's all you need to get the hard work done. It's going to get easier and easier. Then you're going to shine.

I think that the power you need is to have confidence and to use your head for things like basketball. The timing of your shot, the angle, and the distance for the shot - those are the types of power you need for basketball. Power is something that can take time but it gets you where you want to go fast, once you have it.

Manny (Age 16)