the power of Love

The HeArt of it All

This here heart is yours, his, hers, theirs, and mine. And in the center of it all, is love. A foundational power that can overcome anything. This heart, created by nature alone, is one in a million, unique in it’s own way. Yet surrounded by other hearts. Each leaf is sprouted from different branches, twisting and turning in different directions, yet they’re all connected to the same root. In the same way, humans grow in different ways but are sprouted from the same root: Love.

Love has no direction, no map, and it pushes into random directions without any rules. Love can be for whatever and whomever. Love can create languages between people to understand others better; and it is up to you to find yours. Once you find the language for your work, for your relationship, for your passions, for yourself - you find your power.

There's a time where Love can be so powerful you find yourself doing things you wouldn’t normally do. Love turns things around; it can draw you into the abyss while you're unconsciously doing more giving than receiving. Though when you become more vibrant like this leaf, you feel more. That can be rough, sometimes. It can be misleading, confusing, and strong enough to change your perspective. And sometimes without that map love can be misguided. Love can set you on fire with a burning passion to do anything. Love can sometimes isolate you because you care for it so deeply. Love can be a warm and cozy feeling that feels safe. Making you feel at home where there may be no physical one, but it’s the love there that is the refugee. Love can be a great challenge but it humbles you. A test, but can build your patience. And an experience that one can learn from. Love is blind yet clear as day, stopping time when going through the highs and lows of it. Though it is the power that can overcome anything. Warming the cold temperatures in moments you feel couldn’t get any colder.

Love can be hot, cold and warm. Love is so powerful it can warm the coldness in the world that we know today. From social media and the need to be better than the next post, to comparing yourself to others when you're perfect the way you are. School; may or may not be your thing but finding something you can look forward to that gets you going in the morning. When you realize that love is the greatest power, you can share that power with others and treat them with respect. And when you share that power people will realize how great that power is. ”When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” - Jimi Hendrix

Kristyn (Age 16)