the power Around Us

Black America

Things that give me positive power being a black person in America are that we have people like us to relate to. We have people who are in grief because of what someone's brother did, cousin did, or dad did. What was done didn’t even matter. Something little like a counterfeit dollar bill can get you killed. To have positive power, it is important to have justice, fear, love and respect.

The first thing that gives me power is justice. Justice is that feeling of a weight being lifted off one's chest when someone gets what they deserve. Being me in America can either be life or death. You gotta worry about two things: being shot by the police or being shot on your own.

This brings me to another thing that gives me power: fear. Fear keeps everybody alive and fear is even good for you. Fear even motivates you to do more than what's expected. The fear of failure in sports or school can motivate you to not fail. In America people die everyday due to gun violence. I remember I was scared of gunshots but now I accept it as normal. Fear will save your life but don’t let fear cloud your judgement.

Love is a thing that gives not only me but everybody power. Love can be a curse or it can be the best thing that ever happened to you. Love can cause betrayal, separation, people to go crazy, motivation, and other negative things. Love has no boundaries.

Respect and love are two different things but they are alike in many ways. Respect is powerful. If you respect someone you will do anything for them. Respect is like love, but more serious and a little more distant. One thing that is the same is that if someone respects you they will do anything for you and it's the same thing as love. Respect is earned and love is given but not earned like it needs to be.

In my picture you see an American flag and a school and a black hand. That black hand is trying to grab the American flag because it is time for change. We black people are tired of getting killed by police officers for no reason and being killed by our own people. Which brings me to my power with this picture. I see love, respect, justice, and fear. These four things give me power. How about you?

Anthony (Age 16)

The Power of the Camera

How does a camera have and show power in different ways? The camera has power by being able to record evidence for important events. A camera can be a positive and negative power. For example, a way a camera can have positive power is by catching everything that the camera sees and recording it. It also can help other people such as officers for evidence they would need for a case. Cameras are actually becoming smarter and more user friendly as time goes on. Another way cameras can be positive is when they are used for safety reasons to monitor the environment. Cameras can have a negative power because bad wifi can mess up the camera trying to record evidence. Sometimes a camera’s recorded tapes can also be corrupted or the camera is not even recording.

How does the power of the camera affect me? It can help me and protect me in the future because if I am ever in trouble or in a conflict the power of a camera affects me by recording what is happening. If the authorities have to get involved there will already be recorded evidence of the problem on camera. That camera can not only help protect me but also my friends, family, and other people also.

Durell (Age 16)

Power Essay - Doors

Power for me lies mostly in my ability or inability to do things and make free choices. Being able to feel like I have control over everything I do, (schedule, who I hang out with, etc.) makes me feel content with the things I have to do despite not wanting to. Power of the mind comes from what you can picture in your head for a specific outcome or dream, and then being able to reach that once imagination.

The door I chose as my image illustrates this by the mysterious atmosphere it gives off. When you open a door, you get to see the wonders, (or horrors) that hide behind it. And you also have the power to choose whether you want that or not. Whatever is on the other side could change your whole outlook in an instant. The power of having the choice to explore a new beginning, or ignore the call to the unknown, realizing you are content with what you already know, or that what you may see may not be favorable, is what makes actions and inactions seem more appealing, because there is a want, and not always a need. The thing is, this only applies to some doors. A door you’ve been through a thousand times won’t give you that feeling. A door that is seen through won't give you that feeling. Unfamiliarity can be a rush, or a drive of fear, and it all depends on the person having the experience. This is why that door captivated me. I’ve never been through it. Never seen someone go through it. Never even seen it from the other end. It’s worn, so one can only imagine what has been on it, which adds to the questions that gets my blood pumping. How? When? Where? All stem from something as simple as a metal barrier. A portal to a new landscape. A divide from the astonishing and the accursed.

Everything in early life for those lucky enough to take part is getting ready for later. But there is almost no aspect of thought as of now. Could one door have been a difference between me being able to write this very essay? Could the very door I leave this building affect how I feel later? (See? Can't escape the future.) Is it possible there's a version of me that went through a different door, and is now doing something entirely different? Is he happy? Am I happy? I don’t know, never will. There's no me that's doing better, worse, or the same, so it’s not like I have a reference. Couldn’t even tell you if I'm happy not knowing, because I don’t know how I would feel if I knew. And neither would the other me, because if it is really me and he doesn’t know then I probably know nothing also.

To me, power is a tool of the mind and body. It’s the ability to think and act that gives power. Thoughts are the drive, and your actions are the result. Power is limited by rules and morals, and when those are violated, (whether because some are excused from the rules, just decide to ignore them, or have no choice) a balance is tipped, and some doors are shut, some doors are destroyed, and the rest swing open.

Johnathan (Age 16)

Power in Our Lives

Power comes in many forms. An expression of power that we all have is the ability to live life to the fullest extent of our abilities. Every day of our lives, we delve slightly further into the nearly endless expanse of experiences and novelties that there are to explore, be it a new activity, or a different way of doing something. Lake Erie stretching far past the horizon in this photo is meant to represent exactly that, and the sun that has almost entirely set behind the waters represents the numerous chapters that our lives consist of. As one chapter draws to a close, a new one opens, and what we choose to fill those chapters with is a major aspect of how our outlook on life is structured.

Although it is important to have an eventful life, and exercise self determination to the fullest, it is just as important to know when to take a break and unwind from the daily turmoil of life. The Steamship William G. Mather that is docked, visible on the left side of the photo represents just that. The ability to make the decision to take a moment to recover and to rest from the turbulence that we experience as we navigate our way through life and all of the experiences we choose to undertake throughout it.

Though rest and agency through self determination are important, they are not all that life has to offer. Spending time doing things we love, or just spending time with people that are important to us is another major aspect of life. The red section of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame represents the allowance of distraction, to embrace things that do not have any immediately visible benefit in our lives, nothing that drives our dreams forward at first glance, but that over time proves to be a strong support that allows us to lean on it in times of need, that all people should have.

By living our lives to the fullest, and exercising self determination, we can truly have power and get the most we can out of life.

Theodore (Age 16)