Unit 4: Humanism

Unit 4 Podcast Assignment

Unit 4 Podcast Assignment.docx

Unit 4 Project: The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club Graphic Organizer .docx

Introduction to Humanism

Introduction to Humanism .ppt
Humanism Study Guide

Abraham Maslow & Carl Rogers Review

Carl Rogers & The Fully Functioning Person

Identity Development

Terms to know

  1. Erik Erikson
  2. James Marcia
  3. Psycho-Social Stages of Development
  4. Identity Achievement
  5. Identity Moratorium
  6. Identity Foreclosure
  7. Identity Diffusion
The Search for Identity .pptx

Parenting Styles Review

Terms to know

  1. Attachment Theory
  2. Authoritative parenting style
  3. Authoritarian parenting style
  4. Permissive parenting style
  5. Neglectful/Uninvolved parenting style

Moral Development

Terms to know

  1. Lawrence Kohlberg
  2. Kohlberg's moral stages
  3. Preconventional Morality
  4. Conentional Morality
  5. Postconverntional Morality
  6. Moral Dilemmas
  7. Heinz Dilemma
Adolescence- Moral Development.pptx
