
Unit Information

Percent Breakdown on the AP Exam

  • Cognition - 8-10%
  • Testing and Individual Differences - 5-7%

Unit 7 and 11

  • Unit 7: Modules 31-36
  • Unit 11: Modules 60-64

Number of vocabulary terms

  • Module 31: 21 words
  • Module 32: 9 words
  • Module 33: 8 words
  • Module 34: 6 words
  • Module 35: 11 words
  • Module 36: 8 words
  • Module 60: 7 words
  • Module 61: 12 words
  • Module 62: 5 words
  • Module 63: 1 word
  • Module 64: 1 word
Memory Note Guide 18.docx
Memory Powerpoint 2018.pptx

Studying and Building Memories

Memory, Storage, and Retrieval

Forgetting, Memory Construction

Thinking, Concepts, and Creativity

Problem Solving

Thinking and Language

Language and IQ.pptx

Intelligence and Testing
