Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 1 & 2 Podcast Assignment: Due uploaded to Google Classroom by exam day!

Unit 1 Podcast Assignment.docx

Foundations of Psychology Project

Psychology Unit 1 Project .docx
Unit 1 Powerpoint.pptx
Unit 1 Study Guide

Review: Approaches to Psychology

Terms to Know

  1. Structuralism
  2. Functionalism
  3. Gestalt
  4. Psychoanalytic Approach
  5. Cognitive Approach
  6. Behavioral Approach
  7. Biological Approach
  8. Humanistic Approach
  9. Evolutionary Approach
  10. Sociocultural Approach
  11. Eclectic Approach
Approaches Shortcuts

Review: Founders of Psychology

People to Know

  1. Wilhelm Wundt
  2. E.B. Titchner
  3. William James
  4. G. Stanley Hall
  5. Sigmund Freud
  6. Mary Whiton Calkins
  7. Margert Floy Washburn

Review: Scientific Method

Terms to know

  1. Experiment
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Operational Defintion
  4. Random Assignment
  5. Independent Variable
  6. Dependent Variable
  7. Confounding Variable
  8. Experimental Group
  9. Control Group
  10. Double Blind Procedure
  11. Placebo