Unit 1 & 2 Podcast Assignment: Due on the day of the exam.

Unit 2 Podcast Assignment.docx
Psychoanalysis Study Guide

Review: Freudian Theories

Psychoanalysis Powerpoint.pptx
Friends - Defense Mechanisms
Defense Mechanisms Review .doc
Defense Mechanisms - Google Assignment
Id, ego, superego - Cat in the Hat.docx

Terms to Know

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. Neo-Freudians
  3. Psychoanalysis
  4. Id
  5. Edo
  6. Superego
  7. Defense Mechanisms (Know all 7)
  8. Psychosexual Stages (Know all the stages)
  9. Birth Order

Review: Neo-Freudians

Neo-Freudian Research Assignment

Terms to Know

  1. Neo-Freudians
  2. Alfred Adler
  3. Carl Jung
  4. Karen Horney
  5. Erik Erikson
  6. Collective Unconscious
  7. Archetypes
  8. Birth Order
  9. Neurotic Needs
  10. Psychosocial Stages

Review: Modern Theories of Personality

Trait-Social Cognitive Personality 17-18.ppt
Personality Profile Assignment

Terms to know

  1. Trait Theory
  2. Raymond Catell
  3. Hans Eysenck
  4. Cardinal Tratis
  5. Central Traits
  6. Secondary Traits
  7. 5 Five Traits (Know all fiver)

Review: Modern Theories of Personality

Terms to know

  1. Social Cognitive Theory
  2. Reciprocal Determinism
  3. Internal Locus of Control
  4. External Locus of Control
  5. Explanatory Style
  6. Optimism
  7. Pessimism

Review: Personality Testing

Terms to know

  1. Projective test
  2. Objective Test
  3. Rorshack Inkblot Test
  4. Thematic Apreception Test
  5. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Test