Introduction to Psychology

Unit Information

Percentage of the AP Exam

  • History and Approaches - 2-4%

Unit 1

  • Modules 1-3

Number of Vocabulary Terms

  • Module 1: 9 words

  • Module 2: 25 words

  • Module 3: None

Approaches to Psychology

Units 1 & 2 Noteguide 18.docx
  1. Structuralism

  2. Functionalism

  3. Gestalt

  4. Psychodynamic

  5. Behavioral

  6. Humanistic

  7. Cognitive

  8. Biological

  9. Evolutionary

  10. Sociocultural

Unit 1 Prologue 16-17.pptx

Founders of Psychology

Roots of Psychology Screencast.mp4
