
Unit Information

Percentage of the AP Exam

  • Learning - 7-9%

Unit 6

  • Modules 26-30

Number of vocabulary terms

  • Module 26: 18 Words
  • Module 27: 18 Words
  • Module 28: 2 Words
  • Module 29: 11 Words
  • Module 30: 4 Words
Behaviorism, Classical and Operant Conditioning.pptx

Classical Conditioning

Poor Little Albert.mpg
Pavlov Classical Conditioning.MPG
The Office - Altoids.mp4

Operant Conditioning

Reinforcement and Punishment chart.pdf
Reinf Schedules WS.doc
skinner box video.mp4
Rat Basketball shaping chaining.mp4
Skinner Interview and Footage of his experiments.MPG

Social Learning Theory

Children See, Children Do.mpg
Bandura .MPG
