Remote Learning - Making it work

We can do this!

We have put this page together to help you navigate through a new stage in your education journey.

Top tips for learning effectively at home

Practical guidance on using Google tools


We are asking you to treat each day as a working school day so you need to make time for learning, social interaction, food, drink and exercise.

1. Start by planning your breaks, social interaction, food and exercise within your School timetabled day

2. Now attend your normal lessons.

3. Plan for an hour for each subject and then any gained time is a bonus. If work takes you longer - let your teacher know in the private comment. However, make sure you are working for the duration of the lesson time.

4. We know it will be tempting to have a lie in in the morning. However, if you are to establish effective habits and routines it is sensible to keep roughly to School times.

5. With your new home working schedule established you are ready to begin.


remove distractions

If you do have your phone with you during the day try to use it only in your breaks to have some social interaction with your friends. Why not consider contacting them in our traditional 'break time' and you could share your progress with your work. However, when you are concentrating on your class tasks, unless instructed otherwise, it is good practice to put the phone away.


We talk about the Pomodoro Technique in 'How to Improve' it is a good way to settle down to work.

If you are still struggling with procrastination have a look here.

remember breaks

You are working electronically in a way that you haven't done before. It is important that you have screen breaks.

Remember Exercise

Complete some stretches and have a walk around.

remember posture

Posture is important. Do you work as seen above?

remember location

Reviewing your Learning Climate is a great place to start if you are unsure about where you are best completing your work.


This is perhaps your most important priority in this period of change. Some great tips:

  • Have a learning buddy for each subject - commit to keeping each other up to date on your life and learning. Try to chat together on those days you would have had those lessons. If this person is already a great friend - give a time limit to your chat!

  • Create a support team for each subject. These could be groups where you work together on collaborative tasks online, but it is also a way we can ensure that no student at CHS feels isolated. Commit to catching up together at least once a week. It is really important that we look out for each other.

  • If you are feeling fed-up it is essential that you let someone know. This could be speaking to another student in your support network, but remember your Form Tutor and teachers at CHS are also here to support you.