Overwhelmed Y11

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  1. Have a game plan. Look at your syllabus outlines at the beginning of each term and note down all important deadline dates. ...
  2. Do a little everyday. Set aside 30 minutes each day to do some study (even if you don't feel like it at first). ...
  3. Break tasks up into small pieces. ...
  4. Reward yourself. ...
  5. Ask for help.

Top Tip 1: the brain dump

Top Tip 2: Sleep top tip 3: exercise

This is often the first thing to be sacrificed when we are feeling overwhelmed - yet we need sleep to help our long-term learning.

Want to know what happens to your learning as you sleep?

This is often the next thing to be sacrificed when we are feeling overwhelmed - yet we need exercise to protect our learning.

Want to know why Harvard Medical School recommends exercise?

scary video on sleep

motivational video on exercise

Top Tip 4: Take a Break top tip 5: reflect

Take a Break

The cognitive load theory which you can read about in How you Learn tells us that your working memory can become overloaded. You will learn better if you take regular breaks. What these breaks are is important though.

reflect on techniques

The Cognitive Load theory suggests that learning should be transferred from your working memory into your long term memory. It can be helpful to reflect if your learning is the most effective. Look again at How to Remember.

Top Tip 6: Plan Top tip 7: prioritise

  • Take time to plan.
  • Draw up a weekly schedule of activities with daily routines.
  • Set time limits for tasks and stick to them.
  • Be realistic about the time you have. You can't fit a quart into a pint pot!
  • Keep plans and schedules in one visible and accessible location.
  • Prepare for work by having all you need at hand.

  • Concentrate on the most important work.
  • Don't put off important but unpleasant or difficult work.
  • Do one thing at a time, while keeping an overview of the next jobs.
  • Avoid interrupting yourself: jot down a suddenly remembered idea for attention later.
  • Do jobs of a similar type in sequence.

Top Tip 8: Talk to Someone