Sixth form: How to Remember

In order to improve learning, we must approach it through a new lens – let’s focus not on getting information “in”, but on getting information “out”.


Retrieval practice is a strategy in which calling information to mind subsequently enhances and boosts learning.

Deliberately recalling information forces us to pull our knowledge “out” and examine what we know.

For instance, I might have thought that I could name the previous five Prime Ministers, but I can’t be sure unless I try to come up with the answer myself (Theresa May, David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and John Major).

Often, we think we’ve learned some piece of information, but we come to realise that we struggle when we try to recall the answer. It’s precisely this “struggle” or challenge that improves our memory and learning – by trying to recall information, we exercise or strengthen our memory and we can also identify gaps in our learning.

Why does retrieval practice improve learning?

Retrieval practice at home

Spaced retrieval

What is interleaving?

Got a spare hour?