Independent Learning

Research is telling us If you become an independent learner you can begin to:

Improve the standard of the work that you produce

Feel more confident

Become more creative

Create more opportunities for yourself now and in the future

In order to become an independent learner you should:

Be Curious about your learning

Develop positive Working Habits

Develop a Growth Mindset

How will i know i am becoming an independent learner?

You may get 'eureka' moments when you understand something and then you want to find out more about it so you do!

You plan ahead yourself. You know which homeworks need to be completed and for when. You fill in your planner with all the necessary information you need to complete a homework well. You tick tasks off when they are completed.

You adopt a growth mindset and use the 4Bs in the correct order: Brain, Book, Buddy & Boss. Using some of these techniques below may help:

You are organised. You know where all your books are and you pack your bag the night before.

You keep and organise your revision work throughout the year so that you can use this work and activities again, retrieving and building upon them.

You try different methods of retrieval for your different subjects and you begin to problem solve - working out which methods help for the different ideas you are trying to understand and remember.

You begin to think for yourself more and show greater initiative in finding things out for yourself.

You give yourself goals and work out how to achieve them. You then take responsibility for making them happen.

some of the ways your teachers will help you to become independent learners

Ask you to respond to the feedback they give you

Ask you to read through your work so that you begin to think more critically about it

Encourage you to spot your own mistakes and correct misunderstanding

Ask you to mark your own work so you begin to understand your own progress

Encourage you to be curious and ask questions

Ask you open ended questions which you need to think about

Ask you to retrieve your learning from previous lessons

Ask you to solve problems

Show you how to do things

Show you how to work things out

Talk you through the steps involved in learning

Show you examples of excellent learning

Give you different methods to record your learning

Ask you lots of different questions to make you think

Encourage you to work collaboratively so you think about different perspectives

Give you choices

How are you progressing?

How many of the above do you do regularly?

To think about: the thinking skills

How does the independent learner prepare for their future? As you develop as an independent learner do you need to be thinking how you can be developing your thinking skills?

Other useful pages worth reading which will help you become more independent:

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