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How to Stop Procrastinating

While it may seem like an impossible task, it is possible to overcome the challenges of procrastination—and actually get things done that you have been putting off. Here are a few tips to help you tame the procrastination beast:

  • Take a deep breath and get started. No matter what you need to accomplish, there’s nothing like taking a deep breath and moving forward towards your goal!
  • Have the right attitude. With the right outlook, you can go anywhere you choose to. But with the wrong attitude, the procrastination will continue to rule over you. Decide “you can do it!”
  • Break it down into smaller tasks. If you are writing a paper, start with just one small paragraph. If a disorganized closet greets and discourages you every morning, attack one small section at a time—just organize the blue clothes, for example. No matter what is on your “to-do” list, break it down into more manageable tasks and they won’t feel so bad.
  • Put aside the interruptions. If you are tempted by the Internet, log off of your wi-fi for a while. If you are constantly sending and receiving texts, put your phone into another room. Take away the interruptions and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.
  • Decide on a reward when you are finished. A small treat upon successful completion of a task can provide tremendous motivation. So, treat yourself to a trip to the mall, a Netflix binge or something else you can look forward to as you jump into your task.