Learning Climate

The space and environment where you work is vital to your success. The way in which you approach working at home can determine how successful you are and how highly you attain.

Close your eyes. Imagine your space at home, the place where you work. What does it look like? Where in your home is it? What does it sound like? What does it smell like? What equipment is there? Who is there?

Now, compare it to the list of attributes your space should have. Can you make any improvements to your work space to help support your learning?

A good learning climate doesn't just happen, it is created! Make yours happen.

Location, location, location!

How busy is the space you work in? Research suggests that working in quiet, calm locations will help you to concentrate and increase attainment. Is the kitchen table the best place to work if your entire family is there? Ensure that your desk is in a quiet place where you won't be interrupted.

Ideally, you should have your own desk, in a public but quiet location. It should be well stocked with stationary and free from distractions like the TV!

Reinforce your own rules

Make your own rules and ask parents and siblings to respect them. Good ones might include:

  • not being disturbed until all work is completed;
  • no social media or gaming until all work is completed;
  • keeping your desk organised and tidy.

All the gear, no idea

Being equipped is vital for success, basic stationery should be available at all times as should some specialist items. Teachers believe that the students who have the right tools for the job are far more likely to submit better quality work than those that don't. Obvious isn't it!

Brilliant Basics

Do you have pens, graded pencils, pencil crayons, rulers, fine liners, highlighter pens, rubber, sharpeners, a protractor, a set square, Post-it Notes, revision cards, paper clips, sticky labels, plastic folders/wallets, a Pritt Stick, bulldog clips, pins, elastic bands, scissors etc.?

Specialist Items

Will your learning be improved with an iPad, a laptop, a scientific calculator, a drawing board, a paper slicer, a laminating machine or a colour printer?

dangerous distraction

When trying to work, keep distractions to a minimum. Keep your phone in another room, turn the TV and radio off, turn off pop-ups on your laptop and focus on the task. Only use technology as an aid for the work being completed. It's not rocket science is it?

Set the tone

What mood do you want to create in your learning climate? If your desk faces a window, this might be calming but it could also be distracting. If it faces a wall, you might feel confined. Try positioning the desk near natural light but facing away from the window, open the window to introduce some fresh air. Scented candles can create a calming mood and inspirational quotes could inspire you to focus. Paint the walls a light, neutral and calming colour. Keep clutter inside desk drawers so that it doesn't distract your focus.

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Spot The Difference

In which of these locations do you think you would study most effectively?

a cluttered Desk in the living room

A table in the kitchen

a tidy desk in the home office

cluttered desk in the home office

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