Ben Eason

Ben Eason - TKAT ACE Regional Lead for the KENT THANET

Deputy Head Teacher at Rainham School for Girls and Regional Lead for TKAT ACE Pupil Premium Programme.

Giving a child a 'champion' - someone who 'has their back', works with them and their family to diagnose their barriers and set ambitious yet incremental targets - is a real passion of mine and a key way we can make a difference to the lives of the young people we serve in education. 

I have worked at Rainham School for Girls for over 13 years and work collaboratively with TKAT schools across Thanet, Medway and Kent, including Smarden and Pluckley. I studied French and German at The University of Nottingham and have a PGCE in Secondary Education and an NPQSL. 

I am excited about the growth and development of the TKAT ACE Programme as it continues to make a real difference to the young people in our #oneTKATfamily.

David Read - TKAT ACE Lead/DSL for Northdown Primary School 

I am currently supporting Ben Eason across Kent and Thanet.

I started as a TA at Northdown in 2018, originally from Cambridge. David says...

I enjoy sharing in the successes of our ACE recruits and my biggest success has been the ACE debate. It has been so rewarding listening to the children share some really insightful opinions.

I am always excited to see the ACE students achieve their goals. I'm always enthusiastic to implement new schemes, and I am looking forward to seeing the Northdown Small Holding grow.

TKAT ACE Regional Lead Ben Eason from Rainham School for Girls talks to SecEd about all things TKAT ACE

In this episode we discuss excellent Pupil Premium practice and offer practical tips and ideas for how schools and teachers can support their most disadvantaged pupils, including a focus on attendance, Pupil Premium strategies, and effective interventions. 

Click the link here

ACE Kent Newsletter - 1.pdf

Conference attendance

Ben, Deputy Headteacher at Rainham School for Girls recently presented at The Pupil Premium & OfSTED: Ensuring Successful Outcomes conference in Birmingham.