
Measuring impact across a Multi-Academy Trust

Making it Count

We've been working with ImpactEd since the beginning of the TKAT ACE programme.

Jamal's transformation story shows the power of the right support to make the difference in the life of a child. High-quality evaluation from ImpactEd Evaluation helped the ACE mentoring team understand and support Jamal. 

Partnership - Platform - Impact
Better decisions using good evidence.

Read the ImpactEd TKAT ACE case study here

David Linsell - Why Partner with ImpactEd

David Linsell - How Were Evaluation Findings Used

David Linsell, Director of Local Governance, Secondary Curriculum and TKAT ACE:

“In 42 years in education, this is the most significant project I have been involved in, having an impact on the lives of over 5000 disadvantaged pupils across our Trust.

ImpactEd's evaluation helped us to see if the ACE programme was or wasn't working.  That was our main aim in approaching an external organisation to assess ACE's impact.

In addition to that, we've gained an understanding of which elements within ACE work better than others (so we can do those more), and it's also helped us in showing ACE's impact to other Trusts, Regional Schools Commissioners and the EEF - none of which we expected to do from our initial scoping of the evaluation, but which have been incredibly valuable.”

ACE Qualitative Report vF - Deepening our Understanding of ACE - JULY 22.pdf

July 2022


September 2022

ACE case study report - Front Lawn Primary Academy.pdf

Front Lawn report 2020/21

ACE case study report - Rainham School for Girls (1).pdf

Rainham School for Girls report 2022/21