In the TKAT news

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TKAT ACE Regional Lead Ben Eason from Rainham School for Girls talks to SecEd about all things TKAT ACE

In this episode we discuss excellent Pupil Premium practice and offer practical tips and ideas for how schools and teachers can support their most disadvantaged pupils, including a focus on attendance, Pupil Premium strategies, and effective interventions. 

Click the link here

The Third Annual TKATACE Leads Conference - 17th November 2023

“There was a buzz in the room that kept us all energised for the whole day”

The 3rd Annual TKATACE Leads conference took place after a year of rapid expansion for the programme, the focus this year is on embedding and developing.

The 60 delegates at the conference took part in a range of networking activities continuing to put into practice “shared voice”.

We heard from a number of external speakers. Jenny Redford from Children NE gave a challenging presentation on The Unconscious Bias of PovertyBeth Willams from ImpactEd led us through a session on using the ImpactEd platform from evaluation to diagnosis
Andrew Wright from Action Your Potential gave an impassioned presentation on Working with parents in partnership to Build #NeuroNinjas.
At the end of the conference, we had a well-received whistlestop introduction to Arbor.

“Today was fab - it was great challenging stereotypes surrounding poverty - this is something that I think would benefit all staff to hear and identify with”

The speakers from TKAT embodied “shared belief” and “shared success”. 
David Linsell (Director for TKATACE) gave a summary of the impact of TKAT in 2022-23 and the challenges for 2023-24. Dr Karen Roberts (CEO) talked with pride about the Past, Present and Future of TKATACE.  Gianni Bianchi reinforced the link between The TKAT Attendance Strategy and TKAT ACE.  Sara Walton updated us on the TKATACE/SEND pilot as did Bev Ives on the TKATACE/EYFS  pilot.

We also welcomed guests from E21C (Education for the 21st Century) Trust which is part of the TKATACE London partnership. 

“The conference was informative and thought-provoking in terms of how I see my practice and how this has impact within the Trust. Combining this with the opportunity to share ideas, problems and solutions with my peers enabled me to walk away with a number of practices I would like to put in place in my setting to improve myself, my ACE team and our students' provision.”

The Shanly Foundation has awarded £3,000 to support the development of our TKAT ACE Programme to support
our EYFS children

TKAT ACE is a pastoral programme developed by the TKAT Trust to support our disadvantaged children by providing them with regular 1:1 time with a tutor.  The TKAT ACE Tutors work with the family and the child to overcome barriers and achieve the child’s own personal goal(s).  

It has been a National picture that younger children have been impacted by COVID which has been reflected in children’s Baseline and GLD assessments at the beginning and end of their Reception class year. 

Several schools within the Trust are piloting our EYFS ACE programme which is focusing on the importance of play, looking at how positive play experiences can impact on children’s outcomes.  

TKAT ACE Tutors are receiving training to support children with high quality play and language experiences which will not only support their language development but also their social and emotional skills. 

Staff have been working with a Play Specialist (Ben Kingston-Hughes from Inspired Children) to learn the neuroscience behind how play experiences can support brain development and decrease the impact of trauma.  

The programme also focuses on enhancing the relationships that school builds with parents in that important first year of school, allowing parents to have a trusted adult to liaise with and empowering parents to understand the importance of play and play interactions.

Meeting with Shadow Education Minister Stephen Morgan about TKAT ACE 

Thanks to Sara Walton (TKAT SEND Lead), we met with Stephen Morgan at Miltoncross on Friday 19th May to talk about TKAT ACE.

It started with some not so subtle lobbying from Sara, Nick Giles (Headteacher) and myself.  He then met with Summer Fox the School's ACE Lead and Regional Lead who was able to explain how TKAT ACE worked with passion and eloquence.  Finally he met a group of ACE Pupils, who gave us all the tingle factor with their enthusiasm about the programme and ability to self-reflect.  

Stephen has asked Sara and I to meet with his policy team with a view to seeing how this might be positioned within Labour policy.

David C Linsell

Director of Local Governance, Secondary Curriculum and TKAT ACE (A Champion for Every child)

As part of the #newdealforyoungpeople, one of our amazing TKAT ACE leads Robyn from @dphs making connections with the fantastic Rochelle from @BelEveUK and Elliott from @FutureMenUK #achievingmoretogether 


Click along to 33 mins in to hear David Linsell - TKAT ACE Director talk.

At the beginning, David Churchill from TKAT gives an informative talk about Multi Academy Trusts (MATS) too!

TKAT ACE Conference November 2022 at TKAT HQ, Sidcup