In other schools

The ACE Space at Gray's Farm is so welcoming......

ABILITY is what you are capable of doing.  MOTIVATION determines what you can do.  ATTITUDE determines how well you do it

Congratulations Laura

Some feedback from one of our TKAT ACE tutors who is just completing her L3 apprenticeship and has gained promotion as a result.

Ella Roberts

Director of the Learning & Development Network/ Senior Accredited Coach

Before the course, I was an ACE tutor.
I am now moving into the role of ACE Lead, overseeing the ACE programme school wide.

I think the best thing about this course is that I have been able to discover and develop the leadership skills I never knew I had! I have gained more confidence in myself and would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about business and leadership. 

Some advice for new learners: Believe in yourself, you have no idea what you are capable of until you try. Watch the Fake It Till You Make It TED Talk by Amy Cuddy if you're ever doubting yourself. 


Thanks for all the support, I wouldn't have been able to gain a promotion without you and the other mentors. I am very grateful for the opportunities I have been given."


Kind regards


Northdown Primary pupils take to the pitch

Northdown Primary School, Margate, has teamed up with Margate Football Club this term to offer some amazing opportunities for local children.

On Monday afternoons, two teams of children from Years 4 to 6 have been travelling in the school’s minibus to Margate football ground to take part in a competition using the club’s facilities.

Accompanied by Northdown’s ACE tutors, the pupils have been testing their football skills and teamwork. ACE is a programme that aims to provide children with a mentor to support them at school with any issues they may have that might impact their learning and wellbeing.

The first visit to the football ground kicked off the ACE mini league programme. Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 have been competing against each other in a battle to win the prestigious ACE championship. The first match involved both Year 6 classes – Margate Sands Vs Ramsgate Sands – ending in a frantic, but well fought 5-4 win, with Ramsgate Sands emerging as victors. Team captain Kaycee said: “My team played well, and we tried our best”, and newcomer to football Shyanne added: “I loved how well our team worked together and how we all joined in.”

Margate FC’s Director of Communication, Ryan Day, and women’s team captain Steph Meek then joined the youngsters in school for a special assembly where they explained their roles and took questions from the eager children.

Christina Goldsmith, Northdown’s Inclusion Manager, said: “We wanted to find different experiences for our pupils so contacted Margate Football Club to see what we could work on together.

“After meeting with Ryan, we were really excited to start our football league and the children have been loving their weekly matches. Moving forward we can’t wait to see where our joint projects take us.”

The Isle of Thanet News

Northdown Primary School in the local papers

Congratulations to the students and staff at Northdown Primary School for their article in the local Thanet newspaper 

'From forest to ocean, art takes Northdown Primary School's ACE champions on a creative journey'

Inspired by one of the school’s TKAT ACE champions, the latest projects took the forest and ocean as their themes and all pupils were invited to submit a piece of art for display. 

David Read, the ACE Lead at Northdown explained the concept of the ACE initiative: “The role of the ACE mentor is to be the champion for students who may need help overcoming barriers to school or learning, for students who may find themselves shouldering additional responsibilities or for students who may just need someone to believe in them.”

Although the ACE mentors are there to guide and support, the pupils also play a vital role in the day-to-day running of the ACE project.

David said: “The ACE champions will liaise between teachers and parents/carers to ensure that as a team all those who play a part in supporting our students share the barriers and strategies between them to enhance learning and life success.”