Essential Learning Skills
At GCSE & A-Level students are expected to become more independent with their learning.
Good note taking and presentation of work is an essential skill that is needed for success on any course.
Poorly written notes reveals a lack of understanding and do not provide any chance for revision and review at a later date.
Basic Expectations
Any notes taken in or outside of class must have:
A Clear and appropriate title at the top of the page
The date
Sub headings to divide information
Diagrams where appropriate to explain concepts quickly and visually
Written in pen (if you wirte in pencil, go over it later in pen)
Top Quality Notes include:
Use of different colours to highlight key terms, key information and headings
Use of callouts and underlining to highlight key points and terms
Good use of white space to break up blocks on information
Cornell Note Taking Method
The Cornell note taking method as an effective way of taking notes.
This is explained in the video shown below and a template is to help you get started. (you'll need to make your own copy)