FFA Meetings

Every month our chapter holds a meeting to inform the members about upcoming events and possible FFA point opportunities. After every meeting we hold an activity.

Each month we host a themed meeting, along with an activity. In August we host a scavenger hunt that reveals our chapter theme for the year, which is "Cultivating Success". In September we host an ice cream social so our members can interact with each other and our officer team. In October we host our annual pumpkin carving competition. November is when we host our annual Fall Award Ceremony to award our Greenhand and Chapter Degree recipients, along with highlighting our fall CDE and LDE teams, and newly elected Greenhand Officers. In December we host a movie night where we have hot chocolate for the members. At each meeting, we go over the old business, new business, any proposed budgets, important information, and our member of the month.

Moving into the second semester, our January meeting is a welcome back with a simple after-meeting game. February's monthly meeting is held during FFA week during lunch. During this week we have an activity at lunch every day of the week, including our Cow Chip Bingo and Kiss the Animal fundraisers. March is when our Greenhand officer team hosts the meeting so the after-meeting activity is TDB. April is our annual easter egg hunt and in May we host our annual End of the Year Banquet to reflect on the year, recognize our proficiency winners, CDE and LDE teams from the spring, outstanding members in the classroom, scholarship recipients from each grade level, the most outstanding member from each grade level, retire and install newly elected chapter officers, as well as highlight our most active senior members.