SPED Teacher Resources

Kami Tools

Voice Typing (or Speech-to-Text input) 

If a student has accommodations that make typing or writing out their answers and notes difficult, we're able to use the microphone to transcribe text directly in the text box. This feature can be found in both the Text Comment tool and the Text Box tool.

The option for the Text Box tool can be found in the Text formatting bar at the top of the screen once a text box is created.

Font assistance for Dyslexic students

Kami has an assistance font for dyslexic students called Open Dyslexic. It assists in reading and typing clarifying differences between letters. 

Reading pages with the Read Aloud tool (Text to Speech)

Students are able to have the content of a page read to them using the Read Aloud tool. This can be a great way for students to follow the text in reading exercises.

Settings may be adjusted to be helpful for learning disabilities. You can change Speed and Pitch alongside specific voice types and accents 

Chromebook Settings and Extension/Add-on

Google Resources

Microsoft Resources

Playlist of Social Emotional Learning Resources

Playlist of Special Education and Accessibility Resources 

Immersive Reader


Playlist of Student-Centered Learning Resources 

Still need help?

Contact the tech trainers at techtrainers@chino.k12.ca.us or call ext. 1600

 Accessible Links

Kami Tools

Voice Typing (or Speech-to-Text input)

If a student has accommodations that make typing or writing out their answers and notes difficult, we're able to use the microphone to transcribe text directly in the text box. This feature can be found in both the Text Comment tool and the Text Box tool.

Font assistance for Dyslexic students

Kami has an assistance font for dyslexic students called Open Dyslexic. It assists in reading and typing clarifying differences between letters. 

Reading pages with Read Aloud tool (Text to Speech)

Students are able to have the content of a page read to them using the Read Aloud tool. This can be a great way for students to follow the text in reading exercises.

Settings may be adjusted to be helpful for learning disabilities. You can change Speed and Pitch along with specific voice types and accents. 

Chromebook Settings and Extension/Add-on

Google Resources

Microsoft Resources