Computer Tips and Tricks

Captions in Google Slides

Click the three dots, then select Captions preferences, and Toggle captions

 (English only) 

Type on PDFs: Share a worksheet file with students digitally and use browser extension called Kami

The Kami extension might already be on your computer! If not, get it here. Sign in with Google with your district login for a free premium account. 

AdBlock, Free extension to block web ads

The screen after adding the extension to Chrome asks for a voluntary donation, it does not cost money to add or use.  

ctrl + 0 resets zoom after you've zoomed in or out on your browser
ctrl + shift + t will reopen the most recently closed tab
If a website isn't loading correctly, trying clearing the cache with Fn + F5
ctrl + shift + v When you copy something from the internet, this keyboard shortcut will paste it without losing formatting

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Captions in Google Slides

Did you know that Google Slides has built-in closed captions? It will listen as you speak and transcribe your words in real time! Turn on while presenting by clicking the three dots, then select "Captions preferences", and "Toggle captions". 

Reset Zoom Shortcut

"ctrl" + 0 = Reset Zoom

Use to get back to 100% after you've zoomed in or out on your browser.

Reopen most recently closed tab Shortcut 

"ctrl" + "shift" + "t" = Open last tab

Clear Cache Shortcut

Fn + F5  If a website page is not loading correctly, try clearing the browser cache with the Fn key +  F5

Paste with Formatting 

When you copy something from the internet, use this keyboard shortcut to paste it without losing formatting. 

"Ctrl" + "Shift" + "V"