Grades 7 & 8

The Dodd Middle School Counseling Program is a comprehensive approach to adolescent development which includes classroom lessons, focus groups, and individual counseling services. Each child participates in a series of developmentally appropriate classroom lessons. The grade 7 curriculum focuses on topics of goal setting, respect of self and others,mean spirited behavior and internet safety. In grade 8, the curriculum centers on supporting students as they develop their skills toward college and career readiness. The grade 8 curriculum focuses on career exploration through the online program NAVIANCE with which students will develop and monitor academic SMART GOALs. The Holland Code Personality Assessment, Career Cluster Interest Inventory and Strengths Explorer will also be administered to the 8th graders for recognizing high school and post-secondary opportunities. All classes are structured through interactive activities, open discussions, and personal reflection.

The School Counseling Department offers focus groups which address academic, social, and personal needs. Groups may be formed around such topics as social skills, organizational study skills, family changes, stress management and coping skills.

As part of our developmental program, counselors meet with students individually to discuss issues regarding academics, social and personal concerns, and to monitor individual academic goals. Please call or email the School Counseling Department whenever you have questions or concerns, and encourage your child to do the same.


How do parents and students make a counseling appointment?

Parents may call the counseling department at (203) 272-3249 and request to speak with, or make an appointment with your child’s counselor. Students or parents may also use email by accessing the Dodd web page at and clicking on the counselor’s name. Students may make an appointment by stopping by the counseling center before or after school, or in between classes Students may also request a pass from one of their teachers to go down to the counseling center to talk with a counselor.

How are students selected for counseling/focus groups?

Students are asked to join one of our focus groups or referred by their team teachers, parents, counselors or through self referral. Parental permission is always required for participation.

Team Leader: Lisa Raczka