Laser Cut Project


LASER Cutter Inspiration Board -Date

Narrowed Focus LASER Cutter Inspiration Board -Date

Initial Focus:  I want to create a Laser Cut Wood Chair.



Focused Design Project Idea: Laser Cut Flat-Pack Chair  9/8

Focused Design Project Idea *Annotated  9/26

Design Analysis and Reflection 9/26

I like how this deign style allows you to create flowing forms

I like the simplicity of these designs, but it would take a lot of time and resources to make this may slices.

I like the simple sides with slotted supports

I want to design a chair blending these designs.

Design Objective - Date 

 I will DESIGN and CREATE  a flat-pack chair; basically a chair that can be assembled from flat parts.    The chair will be designed to fit an  average size adult with an height range of 5'6" to  6' and the max weight of 250 pounds.    My plan is to design a chair that is not only comfortable, but aesthetically pleasing.   I want to create a design that has repeated lines to create the chair form and a simple design for the profile.

DESCRIPTIVE WORDS: Comfortable, simple, flowing lines/form

Repeated lines to create form  with a simple profile.   

Like blending the designs above.

Design Objective Reflection & Resources -Date

Proposed Schedule Outline

Here is a break down of what I think needs to be done.

Possible  Skills and Knowledge


Possible Resources Used

The history of flat-pack furniture
How To Design a Chair | Prototypes

Innovative Designs

My Furniture Design Process - Shaun Boyd Made This

Form + Function + Furniture